Saturday, December 24, 2005

Ponder Ponder....Whats the Matter?

Thank you Ash and Sid for your valuable inputs regarding the said topic...I caught a few points about the discussion topic somewhere along your posts.......Yes Sid, I completely agree with you that there are much more burning issues of discussion such as Renaming Bangalore,Pakistan tour of India,Your neighbourhood milkman not getting enuf milk from his cow etc....I just saved them for another day....Yes indeed these will be discussed....make sure you give me your neighbourhood milkman's email id so that I can ask him to post his views on his cow and milk problems the day that topic makes its way into this blog...Well thats for another day........

I also wholeheartedly agree that "The better topic of discussion is whether PC is more suitable to me than SS rather then this marriage/sharriage thing." Not to worry thats also for another day.....We might have to get on this topic sooner than later considering all the readers have quizzical expressions coz they know naught PC or SS first n foremost to wonder which wud suit me.

Now coming back to the current topic....I only chose this topic as an ice breaker...Its an age old cliche topic about which much has been said and done....So I was sure that many bloggers of this blog would feel like they too have something or the other to say about this topic....Needless to say,another meaning was assumed behind my motive(considering I had any) for choosing this topic....What could be the meaning assumed I dont want to kno....So Ash I am out with the reason.....I just expected loads of thoughts to pour in from all....Hence this topic.......... I thought Pavan would def have somethin to say about this topic...And so would Vidya....I guessed they may have strong opinions about this which could further the discussion....Well it dint exactly happen that way....Better Luck to us next time(Hopefully).......

Well I do agree with both Ash and Sid about their views on AM Vs LM........
"Its like asking one if suicide is better or murder"....Kidding! But yeah whichever of the two it is;Marriage needs to be worked on to make it work.....And it happens when its destined to happen and with whom its destined to happen with....I believe in the institution of marriage irrespective of AM or LM.....I believe marriages are made in heaven whether a good one or a bad one.....In AM you get to know your spouse with time...which is kinda exciting too....In LM you already know each other(which may not always hold true coz you never actually know someone completely till you've lived with them and maybe not even then)......I also recommend bloggers who love reading to try Shobha De's "Spouse".......Its whacky n its all bout Marriages! LOL Read it,its fun.

If you guys are wondering what the title of this post got anything to do with what I have written so far...Well wonder not...Its for what I am going to write now......
I have been pondering on something for quite a while now....
What does the term "friendship" mean to ya all??? And what is true friendship???
For me "friend" is not a term I coin loosely on people.....For me,its a special word with a special meaning.....Its special coz its the only relationship in life that I choose.....Rest all is already chosen for us by someone else.....So I blame myself only in a situation when friendship fails and not in the failure of any other relationship....Coz we failed in something that we ourselves chose...Thts like gotto hurt right???
Now there are two scenarios that I am writing below...Tell me which of the 2 do ya all think is true friendship??? And most importantly Why???

Case 1:A friend who likes you for what you are,whos there for you for richer or poorer,in sickness and health....Supports you in everything thing you do;be it good,bad or the ugly???? Like for instance stand by you when you commit a crime,maybe assist you too...go to jail with you too(doesnt have to be a crime...just picked a case)...Basically what I mean to say is stand by you in all case.......

Case 2:A friend who likes you for what you are,whos there for you for richer or poorer,in sickness and health...same things with a difference that he/she corrects you when you are wrong,tries to get you on a right track when you get off the track....Who scolds you and points out your mistakes etc

Which case is true??? When in both the cases the friend is there for you in all your highs and lows....What would you guys say to those who refuse to correct a friend or point of their mistakes coz they are afraid to lose their friendship??? Also does true friendship only come with righteousness.....????? Well pondering on this lines may take us to an altogether topic of whats right and whats wrong in life??? Which may lead us to test the authenticity of the statement :
"There is no right and no wrong...Only power and those too weak to seek it" which is a topic again for another day......I dint intend to write anything heavy or serious on the blog but I dont know why I wrote it....I guess I just wanted to share some of my doubts.....Life is a quandary....Just doing a bit of soul searching...You know everyone tries to figure out some of those quandaries that life puts us thru...Thts what makes us human.....

Hey Sid ever considered a career in writing??? If you do in future you can be sure that your books will have atleast one buyer :ME
You've got style dude (And by that I meant your writing style)

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