Thursday, October 09, 2008

Pell - Mell Thoughts

There are times when my imagination goes zoom full speed....poems, articles, scripts, thoughts, all float around in the small cramped space that I carry on my shoulders all day....And then Zilch! Its all gone......Nothing there any thoughts no feelings nadaa....nothing to share nothing to tell....I panic; Wondering why there are long gaps between my works....

On one hand, I try to console myself into believing that I write when lightning strikes, when the ground beneath trembles, when the moon is a blue hue, when doves cry --- Have you people caught on or do I need to ramble any more??? Lol...Basically when I feel strongly, passionately about something....But then shouldn't a writer also have a dispassionate element within? A writer should be able to write about anything right? Or have I got my concepts wrong and am mixing journalists with writers??????

What can be a source of inspiration? 'Tis true, its a matter of perception. It could be a bird singing, a child smiling, a boring class, roomie's snore.......All of Europe's dazzling beauty invoked nothing in me to write.......All of America's splendor sparked nothing in me to color this virtual canvas with......As I tread the tiny stone bridge that connects to stone steps leading to my apartment complex, I stop a moment to watch the fall colors on the trees and the puny stream that flows amidst them below the bridge, I think of my mom, my friends and the heart I've left behind and I feel the longing to pen the emotions......I am online, chatting with Ting and our conversations cover the important, the unimportant and the utter nonsense and in her smile and our memories I find the spark to light a flame in me which connects the thousand dots before my eyes to make a picture........In my lonliness, I cover my ears to stop the shouts of my past that haunt me on some nights, the madness, the pain, the tearful rain; all the mumbles of my nightmares become poetic words with which I decorate my present.....

Inspiration! You cant find it.....It finds You.................!!!!!

1 comment:

Ashwini said...

should say your writing has improved...