Well here is a short one. (And only I know how difficult it is for me to keep it short)
Koyel, answer to your question – 2nd option – Sorry no explanations
Well small explanation on Ash’s question. Is it safe to make friends online?
It is just as safe as making friends in real life. For someone whose life is an open book like me, I don’t worry too much about loss of privacy. And you are the one who decide how much and what you want to share online or otherwise.
How I knew you knew Marathi? Koyel gave me a clue that you may or may not know it so I thought lets find out straight from the horse’s mouth.
And dear if you are clairvoyant you should have no problem finding out when I am online (all day mostly). But a simpler way is to add my id sidjyot@yahoo.com in your messenger. I don’t hide when I am online unless I owe u money so u sud see me there. But Personally I prefer talking on the phone (with frens) to chatting.
I am gonna stop just as soon I clarify couple of things to K.
My milkman refused to share his problems & email id citing business reasons (Something about it being bad for business, people in Malleshwaram may not consider him if this blog succeeded or something)
Thanks for the book idea…infact soon I think I will start charging you people (Charity begins in the blog) for my posts ;)
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